Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Halal is an Arabic term designating any object or an action that is permissible to use or engage in according to Shariah (Islamic law). This term is widely used to certify food items seen as permissible according to Islamic law.

In contrast to Halal, Haram means forbidden. Haram designates prohibited objects such as food products and actions.

The following food products or nutritional elements are considered to be Haram:

  • Pork meat and all food products which contain elements of pork meat
  • Alcohol and food products with alcoholic components
  • Meat from animals that died of natural causes
  • Meat from carnivorous animals
  • Blood and its by-products
  • Meat from animals that have not been slaughtered according to the Islamic norms
  • Meat and meat products from predators with fangs
  • Meat and meat products from raptors with claws

Examples of Quran verses concerning nutrition:

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and those animals killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you are able to slaughter before its death, and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and prohibited is that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. (5:3)

He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. (2:173)

Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist? (5:91)

O you who have believed, fulfil all contracts. Lawful for you are the animals of grazing livestock except for that which is recited to you - hunting not being permitted while you are in the state of ihram. Indeed, Allah ordains what He intends. (5:1)

No. The concept of Halal and Haram is very comprehensive. It can be applied to nearly every aspect of life. Haram, for example, applies to certain behaviors, such as adultery, abuse, or abstention in general elections. Furthermore, Haram also applies to wealth obtained through sins. Examples include money earned through cheating, stealing, corruption, murder, or any means that involves harm to another human being. It is prohibited in Islam for a true Muslim to profit from such Haram actions.

The base of these commandments and interdictions is the holy Quran and the Sunnah (sayings and teachings of Prophet Muhammad).

The Hanafi. Built upon the teachings of the Persian scholar Abu Hanifa and also named after him, the fiqh with the largest number of followers, predominant in the countries of the former Ottoman Empire, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, and also the Balkans.

The Maliki. Predominant in North African and West African countries, named after the Medinese jurist Malik ibn Anas, whose work named 'Al Muwatta' (The frequently confirmed) is held as the foundational text of the Maliki school.

The Hanbali. The smallest Sunni Islamic school, based on the teachings and works of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, an Islamic scholar. His most known work, named 'Al-Musnad,' is a collection of approximately 30,000 Hadiths; the school is predominant in Saudi Arabia and some countries in the Persian Gulf area, which are mainly influenced by Saudi Arabia.

The Shafi'i. Predominant in South-East Asia and East Africa, based on the Islamic jurist Muhammad ibn Idrīs asch-Schāfiʿī, whose most important work named 'Risala,' analyses the methods of the jurisprudence and the principles of the school.

There are also recognized Shia law schools.

The Ja'fari. The oldest Islamic law school, based on Dschaʿfar as-Sādiq, an imam and scholar. The adherents of the law school are also known as the Twelvers. The school is predominant in Iran and also some parts of Iraq.

The different views on sea animals is one topic that shows us the differences between the law schools. The adherents of the Hanafi law school believe that not all sea animals are allowed for human consumption. They base their view on the Islamic Catechism, which indicates that only sea fish are allowed for consumption. Other sea animals, like crabs and mussels, are forbidden.

No. Contrary to many speculations, the concept of Halal does not exclude any non-Muslims from the consumption of ethically produced, high-quality Halal goods. Taking a closer look at the Halal standards, it is not surprising that there are customers who don't profess Islam but still buy and consume Halal-certified goods because they have to meet higher standards of hygiene.

There are certain things and actions which tend to be Haram but are not explicitly forbidden.These things are referred to as 'Mashbooh.' The term is representative of the grey area between Halal and Haram and literally means undesirable. As a precaution, this area should be avoided because its boundaries are not clear.

Yes. Foods or food products that are made from herbal raw materials are considered to be Halal, as long as the Halal requirements are adhered to during the production.

Fish, Fruits, and vegetables in their natural state are also considered to be Halal.

However, the Halal status can be questioned if ethanol is being used during the processing or if the alcoholic fermentation is already in process.

Cow's milk is considered to be Halal. However, the dairy industry uses some raw materials which have been classified as critical, such as the additives or aromas which are being used during the production of yogurt or even flavor enhancers and preservatives.

  • The aim of the Islamic regulations regarding slaughter is to end the animal's life in a sympathetic, quick, and painless manner.

  • The slaughter always has to be held in the name of Allah since the animal is also God's creature. In this way, we ask God for his permission.

  • The knife needs to be sharpened.

  • During the slaughter, the cervical arteries, the jugular veins, and the trachea of the animal have to be cut through with one incision. The aim is to let as much blood as possible flow out of the body. The spinal column can be cut through once the skin is removed, and the body is opened.

  • Every practicing Muslim, who is trained in the slaughter and knows the Islamic law, can carry out the slaughter.

  • Islamic slaughter is viewed as a purification process. Therefore, only those animals which are allowed according to Islamic law can be purified in the name of Allah.

  • Sea animals are considered to be pure and halal. It is not necessary to slaughter these kinds of animals.

  • Islamic slaughter (Zabiha) is forbidden in some European countries.

  • The usage of stunning, which does not lead to the death of the animal nor affect the bleeding, is approved by the majority of Muslims. By now, stunning is used in industrial slaughtering all over the world.

  • Muslims are required to treat animals with respect and dignity. During the slaughter, much emphasis is placed on ensuring that an animal is not able to see other (slaughtered) animals nor blood. The knife should not be sharpened in front of the animal. Also, the animal should be rested and well-fed before slaughtering.

While there are many similarities and overlaps, there are still some significant differences between the two concepts.

The Jews, for example, are allowed to consume wine if the wine is produced by a Jew or the production is overlooked by one, whereas Muslims are not allowed to consume nor to sell or possess alcohol or any other foods with elements of it.

Another difference is the way they slaughter and process the meat. Jewish people sprinkle the slaughtered animal with gritty salt in order to draw out the remained blood. They also cut out some fats and hip sinews which will not be consumed later on.

During Passover (Pessach), there are special rules and commandments which only apply for that particular festival. Food and food products that are allowed for consumption during that festival are labeled with a special logo and certificate (Passover certificate).

In Islam, there are always the same restrictions and rules.

If there were non-Kosher substances used on a Kosher production line, there is still a possibility to kosher the production line. A rabbi has to clean the production line with boiled water and cleaning agents.

This possibility does not exist with cross contamination of Halal food with non-Halal food. In this case, the production would have to be stopped.

Also, Jewish people are not allowed to consume milk and meat at the same time. Depending on local customs, milky food may be consumed only about three to six hours after the consumption of meaty food. Vice versa, the waiting period amounts to between one and three hours.

This kind of restriction does not exist in Islam.

Certification Process

For Muslims, who don't live in a predominantly Muslim country, it is hard to avoid prohibited food. Most food products nowadays consist of various components, such as aromas and coloring agents.

The consumer often lacks information about the components and their composition. There might be components of pork in a poultry sausage, or the apple juice might contain pork gelatin, which got into the apple juice during its purification, for example.

Because of these issues, a growing number of Muslims all over the world expressed their wish for bigger transparency in that area. The first certification bodies emerged to ease Muslims' difficulties.

After the company has filled out and submitted an application form, the certification body will determine if the company has the intention to produce Halal products based on the supplied documents.

After the company and the certification body have negotiated an agreement for the Halal certification, the actual process begins.

As a first step, the certification team examines all the used raw materials, additives, and processing aids for their Halal compliance. The team examines If there are any raw materials based on animals, a Halal certificate is required.

In the second step, the implementation and the effects of the steps already taken are examined. In order to verify the Halal compliance of the production site, the facility undergoes a very strict and precise examination. This should guarantee that cross-contamination is avoided and that traceability is secured. The company is obliged to separate the whole grocery chain, from the raw material procurement to the goods issue, in order to guarantee the Halal-compliance.

Both examinations are rounded off with a report, which will be submitted to the Halal committee. The committee makes the final decision based on the recommendation of the auditors and their consultation.

Yes. Besides food products, there are also non-food products like pharmaceuticals, cosmetic products, and even products that are being used in products such as lubricants, cleaning agents, disinfectants, or animal feed. All these products can be certified by HCS.

First of all, the decision-makers have to formulate a clear strategy for the Halal-production. Halal production may imply an additional effort. Initially, it must be decided whether the whole company should be converted to a Halal-compliant environment or only parts of it, which means that Halal-compliant products and non-halal products are produced next to each other.

In the first case, all machines, vessels, containers, as well as lines, and all the other aids have to be cleaned thoroughly before the first Halal production. Thereby, all possible residues from the previous (not Halal correspondent)-production must be removed in a traceable way. Afterward, Halal production can begin. In addition, the staff must be trained in the usage of the food according to the Halal standards.

The second variation is substantially more complicated and more difficult to realize. Complete physical separation of the storage, the cooling of the raw materials, the preparation zone, the production zone, and the distribution have to be ensured.

It must be guaranteed under all circumstances that no mixture of the vessels, utensils, containers, or other used aids can occur during the preparation or ablution.

All used utensils must be marked with colors to exclude mistakes. If the whole company is geared toward Halal production, the possibility of cross-contamination does not exist. That makes it easier to certify the products.

Furthermore, all raw materials used in the production have to be Halal correspondent.

The packaging materials that are being used have to be Halal, which means they can not contain any health hazardous components or components of alcohol, pork meat, or any other meat which is Haram. This arises from the additional standards of the suitable norm for the packaging in contact with food.

The audit summary document, which contains the most important points of the audit, is created right after the audit and is based on the notes the auditors made during the audit.

Furthermore, the evaluation of the documents and the audit itself is documented very precisely.

Muslim scholars who are well versed in the interpretation of the Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and Muslim scientists of food technology, organic chemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceutical chemistry, and biochemistry develop the Halal standards.

The certification has to be renewed yearly.

Once a year, an audit is carried out, which serves for the issue or for the renewal of the certificate. Within a year, we also carry out unannounced audits to make sure that our demands are still kept.

The costs depend on different factors. On the one hand, the size of a company is a determining factor. On the other hand, the number of the offered products, the complexity of the processes, and the required time for the controls are also important factors. Every company is judged individually and receives a personal offer based on the provided information.

The Halal certificate offers a marketing advantage over competitors. For Muslims, the Halal certification provides the guarantee that the products have been produced according to Islamic guidelines.

The Halal certificate offers a marketing advantage over competitors. For Muslims, the Halal certification provides the guarantee that the products have been produced according to Islamic guidelines.

Halal Market

Due to the more conscious approach of Muslim customers to their purchases, Halal certification has become lucrative.

The number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1.8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060. They are expected to make up more than 31.1% of the world's people.

Expenditures in the food and lifestyle sector of the Islamic economy will attain $3 trillion by 2022. This means significant opportunities for Halal food and beverage brands, with spending expected to reach $1.93 billion in 2022.

The pharmaceutical sector is expected to reach $132 billion by 2022, and the Halal cosmetics sector $82 billion.

In Asia, non-Muslim majority countries, such as Singapore and the Philippines, are important markets for Halal-packaged food and beverages at $1.4 billion and $7.5 billion, respectively.

In Europe, the value of the Halal market is estimated at between 40 and 100 billion euros. In any case, it is undeniable that the Halal food market is a multi-billion-dollar contributor to the European economy.

If other raw materials or ingredients must be used to meet the Halal standards, Halal products can be more expensive under the circumstances. Otherwise, the certification does not affect the price which the final consumer will pay.
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Office Locations

Halal Certification Services (HCS) certifies companies all over the world. Our locally-based auditors can speak and assist in your local languages. Find the contact details of our offices nearest to you as mentioned below:

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